Machine frames, conveyor systems, workstations and other profile constructions have to withstand the most diverse loads. Therefore, it is essential to know, if the used aluminum profiles were chosen correctly for safe and stable construction or if the deflection exceeds the acceptable limits and another profile from the mk construction kit should be used.
In addition to choosing the profile it is only necessary to specify the profile length and the single or section load to calculate the deflection. Based on these parameters, the following three load cases arecalculated immediately:
1. profile suported at both ends - unsecured
2. profile fixed on at both ends
3.Profile fixed at one end (cantilever)
The tool displays the deflection for single and section load for each of these cases.
For further planning, on this basis the user can determine, if the construction is properly sized for the specific application. Thus the profile selection from the extensive mk construction kit is significantly simplified.