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Microsoft Teams
Headquarters of the mk Technology Group
Ampèrestraße 18
53844 Troisdorf
a company of the mk Technology Group
Lindenstraße 1
07589 Lederhose
a company of the mk Technology Group
IZ Nö Süd Straße 2a/M8
2351 Wr. Neudorf
a company of the mk Technology Group
Rolliweg 21
2543 Lengnau
a company of the mk Technology Group
Zwollestaat 9
7575 EP Oldenzaal
The Netherlands
a company of the mk Technology Group
Parc Faraday
1 Avenue Christian Doppler, Bât 3
77700 Serris
a company of the mk Technology Group
C/ Peña Oroel, s/n. Pol. Ind. Valdeconsejo
50410 – Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza)
a company of the mk Technology Group
C/ Peña Oroel, s/n. Pol. Ind. Valdeconsejo
50410 – Cuarte de Huerva (Zaragoza)
a company of the mk Technology Group
105 Highland Park Drive
Bloomfield, CT 06002
Head of Sales D-A-CH
Key Account Manager D-A-CH, Team Leader Field Service
Area Sales Manager Central-East [Postal codes: 90-93,95-97]
Area Sales Manager East [postal code: 01-18, 39, 98-99]
Area Sales Manager West Conveyor Technology [PLZ: 40-42, 44-47, 50-53, 58, 59700-59999]
Area Sales Manager West Profile Technology [postal codes: 40-42, 44-47, 50-53, 58, 59700-59999]
Area Sales Manager North [postal codes: 19-29]
Area Sales Manager South [postal codes: 72-73, 87-89]
Area Sales Manager Austria West [Postal codes: 40-42, 44-69, 871-89]
Area Sales Manager Austria East [postal codes: 10-39, 43, 70-86, 870, 90-99]
Area Sales Manager Switzerland West
Area Sales Manager Central-South [postal codes: 70-71, 74-75]
Area Sales Manager Switzerland East
Area Sales Manager Central West [postal codes: 34-36, 54, 56-57, 60-65]
Area Sales Manager South-West [postal codes: 77-79], Central [postal codes: 55, 66-69, 76]
Area Sales Manager South-East [postal codes: 80-86, 94]
Regional mk Sales Partner Central-North [postal code: 30-33, 37-38, 48-49, 590-596]
Diemelstraße 9
33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück
mk Distributor Great Britain and Ireland
Unit 11-12, Wolds Farm Business Park
Kinoulton Lane, Kinoulton
Nottinghamshire, NG12 3EQ
mk Distributor Italy
Via F.lli Cervi, 3
20063 Cernusco s/n (MI)
mk Distributor Slowakia
Zlatomoravecká 5,
949 01 Nitra
mk Distributor Poland
ul. Polna 133
87-100 Toruń
mk Integrator Romania
134/1 Calea Lugojului
307200 Ghiroda, Timis
mk Distributor Czech Republic
K Rychtě 187
357 03 Svatava
Czech Republic
mk Distributor Denmark
Elgardsvej 1
8370 Hadsten
mk Distributor Hungary
Industrial Park Id1498
8184 Balatonfűzfő
mk Distributor Croatia
Samoborska cesta 146
10090 Zagreb
mk Distributor Finland
Fiskarsinkatu 3
20101 Turku
mk Distributor Bulgaria
1 Kapitan Burago Str. 4205
Kostievo Plovdiv
mk Distributor Portugal
Zona Industrial da Palhaça,
Rua B - Lote 11 | 3770-355 Palhaça,
mk Distributor Belgium
Nieuwendorpe 14
9900 Eeklo