mk and Automations Robotic realise fully automated inspection system for the pharmaceutical industry,
mk and Automations Robotic realise fully automated inspection system for the pharmaceutical industry,
A manufacturer of batteries for electric vehicles joins together individual round cells to make battery modules. The manufacturer would like these round cells to be inspected fully automatically in the goods receipt area.
As a partner in a R&D project for the AZL, mk provided valuable expertise in the automation of an ultra-fast production line for custom semi-finished products made of fibre-reinforced plastics.
Feeding, storage and positioning system for the unloading and removal of large load carriers in a production plant for electric drives.
During the production of offset pressure plates, the plates need to be assembled and packaged. In the process, large plates are cut through lengthwise to produce two small plates. These plates then have to be guided to a packaging machine.
A protective housing is required for an 18-m long strip rolling line for the production of cold-rolled wire. The purpose of the housing is to protect the surrounding area from oil mist generated during the process, therefore it needs to be impervious. Moreover, it is to serve as a key distinguishing…
Problem definition
An automated transport system is used in a laboratory environment to transport drawers to various positions in a cabinet incubator as well as to a position for manual loading and unloading. There is also an option for a visual assessment (qualitative assessment of the objects). A…
Problem definition
A foil wrapping machine for manufacturing delivery note pockets with glued-on hook-and-loop fasteners is to be fully retrofitted and renovated. The machine processes 80 m of foil or silicone paper fully automatically to produce 1,000 delivery note pockets per minute. The system’s…
The client requires a fully-automated assembly line that will assemble, test, label and store multi-component sanitary fittings. The product comprises a total of 14 separate plastic parts, which have high manufacturing tolerances. In addition to this, both the plant and the control system…
Problem definition
Measuring chambers are required for integration in a semi-automated production plant. The chambers must be completely enclosed and blacked out for the use of 3D camera systems. The products to be inspected are to be transferred to the chamber using automated guided vehicle systems…